Frequently asked questions


How do I get to the playgroup? Access is via the Infant school gate at Orchard road. There is a path around the building leading to the playgroup, which is at the far right hand corner. Please DO NOT use the car park to get to the playgroup.

Do I have to pay if my child doesn’t attend? Yes. Full fees apply for non-attendance e.g. illness, holidays. There is no charge for children who have hospital appointments if a letter is provided. Please inform us if your child will be absent and the reason.   

Can my child attend if they are ill? Please see our children illness and infection policy and the document on guidance on Infection Control in schools and other childcare settings which can be found here:

Please inform us if you child will not be attending on the day and the reason for their absence.

Do I have to pay when the Playgroup is closed? No, No charges are made when the group is closed e.g. holidays, closure due to weather etc.

My child requires medicine – can you administer it? Yes – Please see our medicine policy and/or Rebecca/Nicola/Reece. Medicines MUST be given to a staff member and you must give written permission for us to administer it. If your child needs ongoing medication we will complete a health care plan with you. 

What happens if I am late for collecting my child? Please inform the Playgroup as soon as possible if you are to be late in collecting. After 15 minutes from the time the child should be collected a charge of £5 will be made – for every further minute after the initial 15 minutes a charge of £1 per minute will apply. If, after 30 minutes, no one has collected your child and the staff cannot contact anyone from the list of people who are authorized to collect, we will contact the Multi agency Safeguarding Hub Northants to speak to a social worker. (See non-collection policy)

Why can’t I use my mobile phone in the Playgroup? Safeguarding all children is our priority. Mobile phones are not to be used so that we can ensure that no unauthorized photographs can be taken of any child and that they are not used/shared inappropriately on the internet. 

What do I do if I have a suggestion or comment about the playgroup? We welcome all comments on how we run the playgroup and suggestions we could make. Comments can be made via text ,email or written and handed to staff. If you have a complaint, please see a Rebecca and/or refer to our complaints policy.

What will happen if I cannot pay my child’s fees? Please see Rebecca or Nicola as soon as possible before/soon after the fees are due. Please see our Late or Non- Payment of Fees Policy. As a general rule we will seek payment on the day that payment is due. We will discuss and record with parents and seek a re-payment arrangement. It is really important that you speak to Rebecca or Nicola if you are experiencing difficulties in paying your child’s fees so that we can help you manage this.

Can I claim funding for my child? Yes. We accept 2,3 and 4 year old funded children. If your child is 2 years old you may be able to claim 15 hours a week funded childcare if you receive certain benefits , you will need to apply for this at :

If you are successful you will be given a code that you will need to pass on to us before your child starts playgroup. The code is only valid for 6 weeks so please make sure that you apply less than 6 weeks before your child starts playgroup so that it is valid.

All children are entitled to 15 hours a week funded childcare from the term after their 3rd birthday. Terms are September 1st, January 1st and April 1st. When you child starts playgroup we claim the funding and will ask you to fill in a form with your child’s and your details on. 

You may be eligible to between 15 and  30 hours of funding a week for your 3 / 4 year old  if you are working .You will have to apply for this at

 If you are successful you will be given a code, which you will need to pass onto us along with your national insurance number. Codes MUST be obtained by the following  cut off dates in order for children to claim in the respective terms :

By 31st August to be able to claim for a September start 

By 31st December to be able claim for a January start 

By 31st March to be able to claim for a April start 

2 year olds of working families can receive uo to 15 hours a week funding but this must be applied for via . The same rules apply as above.

Please apply for the 15/30 hours funding well in advance of the above dates in bold in order to claim the funding. If you have not applied and received a code by the cut off dates your child may still attend but you will be charged . 

If you have any questions about funding please do not hesitate to speak to Rebecca 

Can you help if we are experiencing difficulties in our family? Yes – we are able to suggest ideas, inform you of services and support you through any difficult times. We are able to initiate an EHA- Early Help Assessment. We can work with you and other agencies in order for you and your family to receive help for your situation.  

What is the Early Years Foundation Stage? This is a document that all childcare providers working with children from 0-5 years have to adhere to. This includes Pre-School, Playgroups, Day nurseries, childminders and teachers in Reception class in schools.

Do I need to send anything in with my child? If you have booked your child in for a full day session 9am – 3pm please provide them with a lunch and a drink .  Please provide a bag and named spare clothing including socks for your child in case of them having a toileting accident or getting wet/dirty.  If your child is in nappies you will need to provide nappies and wipes. We go outside to play every day unless the weather is severe therefore suitable clothing should be worn for the weather e.g. coats, hats, sunhats and sun-cream. We do have all in one waterproof suits for children to wear.  Children are provided with snacks – toast or cereal in the mornings with chopped fruit and cucumber/carrot sticks in the afternoons. Milk and water are available for children throughout the day. 

All newsletters and information are sent out via email. Please let us know if you would prefer not to receive information in this way.